have chosen to consult with and hereby give consent for massage therapy to be provided by Mirko Perfetti who I understand is a member of the Association of Massage Therapists Ltd (AMT).
I have provided a detailed medical history. I do not expect the therapist to have foreseen any previous or pre- existing condition that I have not mentioned.
I understand that massage may provide benefits for certain conditions, but results are not guaranteed. These benefits may include relief of muscular tension, relaxation, reduction in the symptoms of stress- related conditions and provision of general wellbeing.
I also understand that massage therapy may produce side effects such as muscle soreness, mild bruising, increased awareness of areas of pain and light-headedness amongst other possible temporary outcomes.
I am aware that the therapist does not diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications nor physically manipulate the spine or its immediate articulations.
The therapist understands that I have the right to question procedures used and to receive an explanation of any procedures that the therapist performs.
I will tell the therapist about any discomfort I may experience during the therapy session and understand that the therapy will be adjusted accordingly.